00:00 – hi folks it’s me again I’m back with you
00:04 – today I think with my fifth video clip
00:06 – and today I just wanna talk to you a
00:07 – little bit about what makes mental
00:10 – illness difficult to understand and
00:13 – there’s a number of reasons for this and
00:15 – I suppose the first one is that it’s it
00:18 – can’t be obviously seen so physical
00:22 – illness generally you can see if a
00:24 – person is physically unwell you can see
00:28 – it in in many ways whereas a person with
00:30 – a mental illness it’s a lot less obvious
00:33 – and I’ve often heard people say but they
00:36 – look so normal and and yes they do so
00:39 – yeah and the behaviors that they present
00:42 – with are often therefore misinterpreted
00:45 – that’s the one thing another thing that
00:48 – makes it difficult to understand is the
00:51 – lack of medical evidence so to speak so
00:54 – there’s no there’s not a lot of tests
00:57 – that can prove if a person suffers from
00:59 – a depressive disorder or an anxiety
01:01 – disorder you can’t take an x-ray yeah
01:05 – you can take blood tests that might give
01:07 – some indication of possible contributing
01:11 – factors towards the depressive disorders
01:14 – and sometimes an MRI scan can indicate
01:18 – signs of some of the mental illnesses
01:21 – but generally speaking diagnosis of the
01:24 – majority of mental illnesses is left up
01:27 – to the clinical examination that is
01:29 – undertaken by a psychiatrist another
01:34 – reason is the fact that the people who
01:37 – suffer from mental illness generally
01:40 – don’t like to talk about it and that’s
01:42 – really because of the stigma and you
01:46 – know we learn we learn a lot about a lot
01:48 – of things by listening to the people who
01:51 – have the greatest insight into those
01:54 – things and those are the sufferers but
01:56 – because mental illness is still
01:58 – stigmatized and and people are sometimes
02:02 – incorrectly seen to be weak in character
02:07 – they will often not be very willing to
02:11 – talk freely about it another thing is
02:16 – that mental illnesses and the symptoms
02:19 – of mental illnesses are often
02:21 – interchangeable so for example you could
02:24 – have someone who suffers from a
02:26 – depression depression a major depressive
02:28 – disorder and they they abuse substances
02:34 – but in this case the abuse of the
02:37 – substances is a symptom of the of the
02:40 – depression and vice-versa you can have
02:43 – someone who is diagnosed with a
02:45 – substance use disorder and one of their
02:48- symptoms is a depressed mood so in that
02:50- case the depressed mood is a symptom not
02:53 – the primary diagnosis so this can be
02:55 – quite confusing for a lot of people and
02:58 – then to me one of the biggest things and
03:00 – is it in in in my workshops and we talk
03:04 – about it is the fact that most people
03:07 – experience a little bit of many of the
03:11 – mental illnesses some of the time okay
03:15 – what I mean by that is if I asked
03:19 – everyone here if said I’m sure most of
03:24 – you would say yes
03:25 – and if I asked you if you’d ever felt
03:27 – anxious again I’m sure most of you would
03:29 – say yes but if I asked you if you
03:31 – suffered from a depressive disorder or
03:34 – or an anxiety disorder I suspect that a
03:37 – lot of you would say no so in my
03:42 – workshops I have people saying that very
03:44 – thing but I feel depressed and I feel
03:46 – anxious but I’m still working I’m not
03:48 – sick and therein lies a big difficulty
03:53 – in understanding mentalness there is a
03:55 – there is a massive difference between
03:57 – the normal range of emotions that human
04:00 – beings experience in their life from
04:03 – happy to sad from anxious to relaxed
04:06 – compared to actually suffering from an
04:10 – incapacitating mental illness okay and I
04:14 – think yeah to me that is one of the
04:16 – biggest factors so I’m going to leave
04:18 – that with you for today
04:20 – Mill over it and I’ll see you next time
04:22 – in a few days righty-ho bye