
As a cornerstone of my brand I bring maximum value to each and every work environment, and can assist you and your organisation through the following three umbrellas:

Management of Incapacity in the Workplace

Workshops & Training: Mental Health Matters in the Workplace

Ongoing Mental Health Support

Management of Incapacity in the Workplace

  • Functional capacity evaluations
    An evaluation of a personʼs ability to function in daily living that assists in determining their work potential.
  • Medicolegal evaluations
    Medico-legal evaluations are undertaken for Attorneys to assist with personal injury claims.
  • Return-to-work case management
    Return-to-work Case Management aims to promote return to work of employees.

Mental Health Matters in the Workplace

I know every organization is unique and therefore encourage you to contact me for a chat about your specific mental health challenges at the current time. We will then tailor-make a workshop to suit your needs, time constraints and budget.
Alternatively, you can choose from one of the standard topics that I currently offer or combine topics into one session or a series of sessions.

Please note: the topic pillars may be selected as stand-alone topics with standard duration and content, or they may be combined into a package that suits the specific requirements of your work environment.


Because managers are being asked to spend significantly more time and energy attending to their teamʼs emotional and psychological wellbeing, they themselves face increasing risk in becoming drained and burnt out. This is over-and-above the fact that most managers are ill-equipped to deal with the kind of mental health issues that many employees are currently facing. Allow me to ease these burdens… My one-hour ongoing mental health support groups are facilitated online every week, fortnight, or month, depending on the intensity of your employeeʼs needs. Starting with a dialogue stimulator and ending on a positive note, these sessions offer space to facilitate, reflect, direct, redirect and so on. Available for any number up to one hundred, the cost of these sessions are set regardless of the number of participants. Support gained, managers eased, and work culture heightened – contact me if you would like to book a support group for your team or organisation.

“Mental health training is a key action to creating a mentally healthy workplace, providing a foundation to reduce stigma, create a supportive workplace culture, and build resilience.” – Black Dog Institute, NSW, Australia

The below Mental Health Matters topic pillars can be used as stand-alone workshop experiences, or they can be used as a source of inspiration for tailored-designed workshops perfectly fitted to your team’s requirements. Contact me to discuss.

Understanding and Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace 
Half day training (3 hours); on-site or on-line.

In 2021, in the midst of a global viral pandemic that is fast precipitating a mental health crisis, employers and their Managers need to learn to understand mental illness in all its various shapes and forms.  For example, what is the difference between depression and just having a bad day?  Without such understanding, effective management of the people affected by mental illness, sufferers and their colleagues, is not possible.

This workshop will provide you with the understanding required at a non-mental-health-professional level, as well as the strategies for effective management, using case studies to assist.

Understanding and Managing Burnout
Half day training (3 hours); on-site or on-line.

What is this thing called Burnout?  Exhaustion, chronic stress, nervous breakdown,…and the list of misconceptions goes on.  Finally recognized by the World Health Organisation in May 2019 as an “occupational phenomenon”, let me demystify this condition for you.

This workshop will provide you not only with an accurate understanding of this complicated condition but also what the warning signs are to look out for, and strategies to use in your workplace to reduce the risk for your employees.  You will finally be able to recognize who is really burning out and who is misusing the term.

Building Resilience (Stress Management)
Half-day workshop (3 hours).  On-site or on-line.

Stress is part of life and cannot be avoided but how it is managed is up to each and every person and makes all the difference.

In this workshop you will learn to identify the most significant stressors that deplete your resilience, as well as techniques for managing these more effectively.  Your quality of life and productivity not only at work but at home as well will improve more than you might believe possible.

The Power of Being Assertive
Half-day workshop (3 hours).  On-site or on-line.

If ever there was an untruth when it comes to interpersonal interaction and communication, it is that someone is too assertive.  Human beings communicate somewhere on a continuum from passive through assertive to aggressive.  It is the people in the assertive range that are most successful and powerful in their interactions regardless of with whom they are interacting be it their colleagues, family members, friends or even strangers.

In this workshop you will learn about what it means to be assertive and the benefits thereof.  You will learn and practice some useful techniques to use in developing this style of communication.

Addiction and Incapacity in the Workplace
Half day workshop (3 hours); on-site or on-line.

Alcohol and drug abuse is a massive problem in South Africa as the covid pandemic has made us realise, but an understanding of how this differs from addiction is critical for today’s employers and managers.  Only with this understanding can the problem be more effectively managed in our workplaces.

In this workshop you will learn about the physiology and psychology of addiction and in so doing, you will gain greater empathy and compassion for employees who are afflicted by this mental health condition, now referred to as Substance Use Disorders in the DSM-5.  You will learn about situations where disciplinary action is required versus reasonable accommodation, which is absolutely critical in the management of abuse versus addiction in the workplace.

Remote Communication Epic Fails 
2-hour team-building workshop.  On-site or on-line.

In today’s world of abbreviated and predictive text, emoticons and emojis, and aversion to punctuation, how often has your remote communication with colleagues (and friends) gone terribly wrong?

In this enlightening and fun workshop we take a look at the epic fail potential of remote communication.  It is designed to promote more effective communication in today’s work environments and in turn optimize team cohesion.

Tailor-made workshop/s for your team or organization
On-site or on-line.

Give me a call to chat about the mental health challenges currently facing you and your team / organization.  I will then prepare a tailor-made session or series of sessions for which we will negotiate the duration and cost depending on your budget.  Some examples of recent tailor-made workshop titles include the following:

  • Mental Health Matters at [company name]
  • Love Yourself Wellness Wednesdays
  • Interacting with people with Mental Illness at Work
  • Mental illness versus Malingering
  • Leadership during a Pandemic