Performance Role Play Training

One of the biggest problems with mental health issues in the workplace is that no-one likes to talk about it.  Yet when they do, they often find out that they are not alone in what they are going through and this in itself can bring a great deal of comfort.  This is particularly true when everyone is going through the same turmoil such as is currently the case.  It’s never pleasant to feel overwhelmed, anxious or depressed but hearing that those around you are feeling the same way often comes as a relief.  It makes you feel more normal and that how you are feeling is justifiable.  You can probably relate to this.

I am very excited to announce a collaboration between Lesley Burns Occupational Therapy (LBOT) and Performance Role Play Training (PRPT) headed up by Judy Ditchfield, Charlotte Butler and Jocelyn Broderick, with the launch of a series of monologues designed to promote discussions about mental health challenges faced by many working people during the exceptional and difficult time we are all going through.  The recently produced 7 monologues are all about “hot topics” affecting peoples’ mental health at the current time – these include  Anxiety, Depression, Retrenchments, Money stress, Mothers working from home, Suicide and Black tax.  The team at PRPT all come from a communication skills in business as well as an acting background, which is obvious when you watch the monologues…believe me, they are brilliant and evocative conversation starters.

So PRPT have produced the monologues and I am presenting them and facilitating the group discussions, which for now will done via Zoom.  Due to the interactive nature of the programme, groups will be limited to a maximum of 12 participants.   Participants can come from all levels within an organization, the only prerequisite being good command of English.  Each session is 2 hours in duration with a short break for coffee replenishment midway.  Depending on the discussions raised, up to 3 monologues can be presented per session.

During a time when you have probably been inundated with invites to attend webinars focused on learning new ways and skills for dealing with this upheaval, which can certainly be of great value, this offering is different in that, aided by the monologues,  it provides an opportunity for your employees to talk about how they are feeling about real challenges, and gain comfort, insight and guidance in doing so.

This really is not to be missed and for a lot less than the cost of a visit to a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist, I know it will benefit so many people out there who are currently struggling on their own in silence.

You can contact me directly and also have a look at this link  for more information.




Performance role play training