Sometimes when times are tough, a simple phone call can be really valuable.
While I have some free time on my hands I have been investigating how to make better use of wordpress. Just a few minutes ago my phone rang. It was a client that I assessed in 2014 for a disability claim. It struck me immediately how cheerful he sounded considering the dire times we find ourselves in. He soon explained that he needs to see me again. He was excited about because he recalled how pleasant his visit was previously. To put this into some context, in 2014 this man had recently suffered not only a heart attack but a stroke as well! He went on to say that he remembered our time together well because he left his appointment feeling good. He said that he does not usually leave medical appointments feeling good. As we ended our conversation he told me that just our short chat had again lifted his mood for which he thanked me. Do you know what?…I thanked him right back because my mood too was lifted by a simple phone call.
It’s at challenging times like these that we need to be grateful for the small things. Receiving a simple phone call from such an appreciative person such as the one I have just received is one of these things. I think I am going to prioritise giving out thank yous for the foreseeable future. Hopefully this can add some value to the recipients’ lives like I have just had the pleasure of experiencing. Thank you again Mr X.
Take care.